Alexander Lamont
British designer Alexander Lamont has always been interested in enigmatic textures, forms and materials; “surfaces that call out to be touched”. The journey to make such furniture, lighting and objects in the 21st century – requiring time and hard-won skills for each piece – took him to Thailand where he has built celebrated workshops.
Objects have power: they connect us to our most intimate selves and to the people, places, stories and memories in our lives. In our most important and intimate everyday moments, the things that are present must be objects made with great skill and care, from natural materials that grow old with grace.

“ I want the pieces that I create to become lifelong companions, friends of the house, each with its own energy, beauty and spirit ”
– Alexander Lamont –
Alexander Lamont makes collections of furniture, lighting, objects and wall panels with unexpected natural materials and refined hand techniques that have been used for centuries in Europe and Asia. Our minimal, organic and tailored designs show a contemporary reverence for rituals of craftsmanship and the energy that human skills impart into every piece.
Within a leafy compound on the outskirts of Bangkok, behind a pair of old iron gates, lie the workshops and studio of Alexander Lamont. In this single location Alexander Lamont has brought together a rarefied and all but extinct group of decorative materials and craft skills that through his contemporary design sensibility, combine to make the pieces in his collections.
The workshops house ateliers for shagreen, straw marquetry, parchment, gesso, mica, natural lacquer, gilt leaf and bronze. Alexander Lamont brought world experts over from Europe to train his teams of artisans in these materials.

He also travels to China regularly to work closely with Peking Glass kilns and small rock crystal producers to create his unique designs using these materials. For our lighting collections, Alexander Lamont works with natural stones such as calcite and fluorite, rock crystal from Brazil, faux rock crystal, selenite and leaded crystal.

For Alexander Lamont, the exploration and innovation of materials is a powerful force that drives the creative direction of his company. To take something rare and beautiful that has been used for centuries, to push it a little bit further, and to bring it into the present are the challenges that Alexander Lamont seeks and thrives upon.
XXV Collection

XXV marks a quarter-century of Alexander Lamont reflecting the strength and spirit of our journey so far. The collection celebrates the commitment of our workshop teams, and the dedicated skills of our artisans.
XXV presents elements that are strong and monumental in their structure; precise and ravishing in their detail, tone and craft, with pieces that appear to be carved from shagreen, parchment, richly pigmented straw – like architectural remnants or modern blocks that flower into cabinets and credenzas, side tables and lounge chairs, lamps and wall sconces.

Drawing from ideas of ancient Britain, a sense of the primordial and the urban live side by side in this collection reminding us that everything we touch and see comes from history – whether formed by millennial weather patterns or by centuries of human endeavor. For twenty-five years Alexander Lamont has been creating furniture, lighting and objects that are made to fall in love with, that bring to their owners an artistic sensibility and a joyful communion with the great traditions of workshop excellence.

Our Projects In Japan
Alexander Lamont’s in-depth knowledge of his materials, his sensibility to the aesthetic vision of today’s seminal designers and his understanding of the interiors market make him a sought-after partner for some of the world’s leading interiors projects.

Tailor made for high end individual residential or hospitality projects, Alexander Lamont works with world-renowned designers and interior decorators sharing his material expertise and technical know-how to create unique decorative elements for hotel projects and residences, and furniture for luxury commercial stores.

Other Project

Japan Representative

高田真由美 Mayumi Takata
602 Ratio Tsukiji,1-10-11 Tsukiji Chuo-ku, Tokyo,104-0045 Japan
T: 03-6264-1342 / 090-1773-4128
M: takata@ailescreation.co.jp