The beauty and power of rock crystal has been cherished for millennia across different cultures. It has been an important element in the evolution of aesthetic tastes in religions, jewellery and secular objects. Derived from the Greek word “krystallos” meaning ice, and also known as quartz crystal, its powerful luminous presence is impossible to ignore. Rock crystal’s rich translucence, mysterious inclusions and extreme hardness – making it very difficult to work – not to mention its reputed natural powers and healing energy, have been constant sources of inspiration for man. Inspired by this long history, Alexander Lamont has created objects using a man-made rock crystal that replicates perfectly the mineral composition, hardness and clarity of natural rock crystal without the destructive mining associated with sourcing new crystals. Working with a team of experienced carvers, we have created several new rock crystal objects over this past year including the new Coupé Vessels – so large they would be impossible to source using natural rock crystal.

The juxtaposition of sharp angles and smooth clear surfaces is at play in the Coupé Vessels as the reflective and polished surfaces surface appear as mighty irregular rough-cut diamonds. Highly sculptural vessels, the objects sit beautifully on their own or as part of a group. The facets of applied gold leaf become a contemporary way to accent and further illuminate the crystal’s presence. Available in four sizes.

Libation refers to the practice of using liquids as offerings to deities or as ritual purification. In China, the most favoured libation cups were elegantly carved vessels made from rhinoceros horn. Our hand-carved set of ‘cups’ enlarge on the ancient curvaceous forms and add the sensory beauty of translucence. The hand-carving adds a wonderful element of varying thickness and light. In three sizes, the Libation Cups were designed as a group, to nestle and interact together. The cups softly curve and nest in the hands or sit playing with light.

The Vitrum Jars are large, heavy vessels rich with inclusions and thick clarity. Ground by hand inside and out using special tools created for each form, the finished crystal is sent to Southern Thailand where the jars have woven lid individually made from the famously fine yan lipao vine. This unique combination of materials creates a luscious object to serve as both storage and decoration. Available in two sizes (approx. 6” and 5” h).

The base is gilded in gold leaf.

We also use rock crystal in our Essay Lantern and Virtue Boxes that are part of the Scholar’s Gift collection. You can read more about them here and here.
Rock Crystal brings a new/ancient sensuous and refined element into our palette of materials. To find ways to express such materials in contemporary and elegant and innovative ways is the driving motivation for our creative department. With new challenges comes the expansion of our knowledge and experience and new ideas to work with and combine the things we love.