In our search for textures that exude sculptural richness and tactile interest, nature is our biggest influence. We cannot improve upon the rough bark of a palm tree, or the forms of pears and leaves. So we use them directly, letting the powerful varying nature of surfaces interact with lacquer and bronze and silver.
In this collection the mighty jackfruit was less prickly than the durian and had a wonderful chiseled feel to the myriad bumps on its surface. Edible jackfruit pods have been described as somewhere between a mango and a banana (here is an informative link on this delicious tropical fruit). Pungent, aromatic and intensely flavourful, their peak season is almost upon so it’s a good time to talk about our Pointillist vessels to the world. They may not taste as good as the real thing but they will last forever and they have a unique mix of patinas – mottled light verdigris on the exterior and rich dark bronze on the inside. A treat for the eye and hand.