Exquisite Woods : A Western Eye meets the Laotian Hand

The most beautiful handmade arts of Laos have arrived in Alexander Lamont. For many years we have worked with the artisan’s of […]

Lacquer Artist Saeko Ando

Alex recently hosted lacquer artist Saeko Ando in the Bangkok workshop.  The two artists met almost one year ago at a lacquer conference in […]

Meet Our Resident Master of Straw Marquetry

We’d like to introduce you to another Team Leader at Alexander Lamont – Niang Pramoopratam. Khun Niang (Khun is the polite participle used […]

Designer Ryosuke Harashima

Ryosuke Harashima, product designer from Kanazawa in Japan first came to work with us in 2010. With the brief to design a […]

Team Alexander Lamont

If you have ever seen a raw piece of shagreen, it’s not easy to imagine the transformation the skin endures to result […]

Photographer Yuna Yagi

Yuna Yagi is in certain ways the ‘face’ of our company.  She is a trained architect who practiced in New York and […]

The Chilean Stylemaker – Eugenia Errázuriz

While brainstorming with Alex about potential blog posts there was one that immediately captivated me.  Not only because it brought to my […]

Ikebana by Naomi

Watching Naomi Daimaru create an Ikebana floral arrangement elicits an immediate appreciation for nature.  Working in reflective silence and taking the time […]

Eric Stocker – Lacquer Master

Between 2009 and 2012, we were privileged to have lacquer master, Eric Stocker, in the workshop, training our artisans and producing our […]
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